BVHS Awards

Bow Valley is proud to recognize our volunteers who put in countless hours each season. Our volunteers are the backbone of our society, and it is their time and dedication that makes our Society a success year after year. Please take the time to nominate a coach or volunteer that went above and beyond in their roles for the 2024-2025 Season.

2024-2025 Award Recipients

Shane Zimmer Memorial Coach of the Year

U7: Trevor Reid

U9: Jay Geers

U11: Cam Nielsen

U13: Dustin Bugera

U15: Blaine Labby

U18: Mike Westhaver

Manager of the Year

U7: Jennifer Murrant

U9: Genesia Schoneck

U11: Julia Watson

U13: Shayra Ford

U15: Natalia Peso

U18: Robin Eastman

Volunteer of the Year

Stacie Ramsay, Jenn Pezzente, Tony Schellenberg

Official Award

Erik Peterson

Leadership Award

Brianna Dulmage

Sean Hyde Memorial Lifetime Award

Dave Oke

Past President Award

Past Award Recipients

Please read over the past recipients prior to submitting nominations for the current season.

"A volunteer’s personal passion for the group's mission is contagious and it motivates." By John M. Knibb

Presidents Award

This award is to signify the amount of time and attention it takes to be the Bow Valley Hockey Society President.

Sean Hyde Memorial Lifetime Member Award

The Bow Valley Hockey Society will consider past or retiring members of Bow Valley Hockey Society for nomination to the distinction of Lifetime Member. Eligible members include players, coaches, managers, officials, executive members, or members who have served in other volunteer capacities.

Award Criteria:

Past or present members of the Bow Valley Hockey Society who have made a substantial contribution to the Bow Valley Hockey Society during the time of their membership. Such a contribution would consist of activities such as:

  • Continued involvement past the time they, or their children, played in BVHS
  • ​Excellence in achievement in a hockey-related venture
  • A unique or noteworthy contribution
  • Contributing a substantial amount of time to a broad range of activities, improving the reputation of the Bow Valley Hockey Society, or developing a lasting legacy
  • Those nominated as Lifetime Members will have demonstrated a lasting and ongoing interest and involvement in the long-term success of the Bow Valley Hockey Society.

The BVHS Board of Directors will generate and update a list of potential candidates that may be worthy of this award. Prior to each AGM, the Executive Committee will recommend names as recipients to the Board of Directors. Award recipients will be named at the BVHS AGM.

Manager of the Year Award

The BVHS Manager of the Year Award is awarded to a BVHS Manager in each respective age group who goes well beyond what is expected within their manager role. This award acknowledges a manager for their outstanding contributions to Bow Valley Hockey Society and their respective team

Awards Criteria

  1. This individual exemplified BV spirit and a can do attitude.
  2. This individual was influential in making decisions regarding team level decisions.
  3. This individual played a significant role in developing the structure and policies within their respective team.
  4. This individual was enthusiastic about the team and the Bow Valley Hockey Society.
  5. This individual took a lead role and ensured that the team was well organized and informed throughout the season.

Leadership Award

The BVHS Leadership Award is awarded to a BVHS Board Member who goes well beyond what is expected within their board-level duties. This award acknowledges a Board Member for their outstanding contributions to Bow Valley Hockey Society. These individuals have spent 2 or more years on the Bow Valley Hockey Society Board of Directors in one or more capacities during their tenure.

Awards Criteria

  1. This individual has been on the BVHS Board of Directors for 2 or more years.
  2. This individual was influential in making decisions regarding the BVHS Strategic plan and board-level decisions.
  3. This individual played a significant role in developing the structure and policies within BVHS and he or she ensured these policies were carried out when issues arose.

Official Recognition Award

The BVHS Official Recognition Award is given to an official who exemplifies a passion for Officiating.  The recipient is selected based on their dedication to the game as well as performance on the ice.  The BVHS officials are the unsung heroes of the game, and it is their time, efforts and dedication that makes them pivotal members of the game.   The BVHS Shadow Coordinators are responsible for selecting the recipient of each year’s award.

Awards Criteria

  1. The recipient attended required certification and mentorship sessions.
  2. The recipient was also available to pick up games last minute.
  3. The Referee Coordinator received positive feedback regarding the games that the recipient did throughout the current season.

Manager of the Year

The BVHS Manager of the Year Award is awarded to a BVHS Manager in each respective age group who goes well beyond what is expected within their manager role. This award acknowledges a manager for their outstanding contributions to Bow Valley Hockey Society and their respective team

Awards Criteria

  1. This individual exemplified BV spirit and a can do attitude.
  2. This individual was influential in making decisions regarding team level decisions.
  3. This individual played a significant role in developing the structure and policies within their respective team.
  4. This individual was enthusiastic about the team and the Bow Valley Hockey Society.
  5. This individual took a lead role and ensured that the team was well organized and informed throughout the season.

BVHS Volunteer Achievement Award

Volunteer Achievement Award

The BVHS Volunteer Achievement Award is awarded to a volunteer who goes over and above their designated duties. This individual exemplifies what volunteerism is all about. Three recipients will be selected each year by the President, VP of On-Ice, VP of Off-Ice, MHO and the Office Staff.  This award recognizes volunteers who have made a difference in the BV Community through volunteerism.

Award Criteria

  1. The Volunteer exemplifies a volunteer spirit and is always willing to help out.
  2. This individual helps out during hockey season and goes well beyond what is expected of a BVHS Volunteer.
  3. This individual is well organized and is respected among his or her peer group for the exceptional work that he or she does.

The deadline to submit a nomination is March 1, 2024.

Shane Zimmer Memorial Coach of the Year Award

As a coach, Shane Zimmer lead by example and brought life lessons into every aspect of the game, and if you asked any of his players they would tell you that he valued effort over anything else, in hockey, in school, and in life. For Shane, it was never about the level of play, but the level of effort. Shane’s reason for coaching was always to share his knowledge, passion, and love of the game.  Shane was the epitome of a great coach; he truly believed the biggest part of coaching and life was about the memories you make.

Do you feel that your coach has gone over and above expectations and deserves to be recognized for the time and efforts they have contributed this past season? Did your coach create memories for your child that will last a lifetime?

If so, nominate him or her for the BVHS Shane Zimmer Memorial Coach of the Year Award. We take pride in the high-calibre coaches we have, and we feel they should be recognized for their contributions to the game and more importantly to Bow Valley Hockey Society. Our coaches play integral roles in making citizens out of our players, and they help shape the character of each of our players.

Nominations may be submitted by a parent, player or manager. Nominations are to be submitted through the online form.

Please be as detailed as possible as this award will not be awarded based on winning records. It is based on player development, passion for the game, compliance with Fair Play codes, off-ice leadership, years of service as a coach, self-development as a coach, and feedback from the BV age group coordinators.

Award Criteria

  1. Embraces fair play while maintaining a competitive spirit.
  2. Promotes good sportsmanship, citizenship and team spirit. This was demonstrated by the team’s actions in games and by involving the team in the community. The coach provided a good culture for the players of the team to develop their hockey skills/abilities while developing their character in a positive manner.
  3. Demonstrates respect for the game of hockey.   Shows and teaches respect for the game, officials, fellow coaches, parents and players.
  4. Demonstrated a commitment to improving the game of hockey within BVHS. By attending coach education clinics, embracing the BVHS mentorship program and reaching out to other teams within Bow Valley in a mentoring capacity.
  5. Shows and share their passion for hockey while demonstrating leadership to their players. Able to teach, instruct and motivate players in a positive manner.
  6. By the end of the season, players demonstrated significant improvement in their hockey skills and abilities. This was demonstrated and supported by each player's continuous improvement in skills testing and gameplay.
  7. Players are excited and want to come back to take part in hockey for the following season.

The deadline to submit a nomination is February 10, 2025.